Elevate Your Writing Journey: Two Online Events

Are you a creative seeking inspiration, connection, and growth?

Look no further! We’re thrilled to invite you to not just one, but two online events designed to ignite your creativity, foster community, and provide invaluable support on your journey.

Make progress.

Photo by Terje Sollie on Pexels.com

YouTube Streams:

  • Engage with writers, editors, and other creatives.
  • Ask questions, share insights, and connect.
  • Work!

Stay motivated.

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Creative Collective:

  • Join an exclusive community dedicated to nurturing creativity.
  • Share and seek feedback in a supportive environment.
  • Connect!

So what are you waiting for? Whether you want to move forward or forge meaningful connections with fellow creatives, we’ve got you covered. Join our YouTube streams and become a part of the vibrant Creative Collective community. Your creative journey is about to reach new heights!

I hope you’ll join us, and as always, happy writing,



Well, I didn’t hit 50k, but my goal was 30k and I got more than 10k over that, so I’m happy.

In Other News:

I am running a PAPERBACK PROMO for the month of MAY.


You can get a free signed paperback when you purchase either the ebook or paperback copy.

Get one for yourself and one for a friend.

I’m taking May off from my projects so I can hit them hard next quarter.

Novel 3, TDG, is back from the developmental editor and I have new direction and new ideas. I’ll begin working on that for the next CAMP NANOWRIMO in JULY. Stay tuned for updates

What are you working on this summer?


APRIL CAMP NANO 2024 UPDATE: Back in the Game

Well. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it.

Then I had a 5k Stream last Tuesday night.

Yes. I wrote over five thousand words in just a couple of hours on my regular stream which happens Tuesday nights on YouTube.

I hit my 30k goal and just kept on rolling

So I’m back in the game. I can see the end and I am almost there. Just another couple of streams like that and I’ll win.

What’s your goal for Camp Nano? Have you hit it yet? Will you by the 30th?

Photo by Andrew Neel on Pexels.com

We have one more stream for those still writing. It’ll be tonight, April 30th, at 5PM Central. Hope you can make it!
Just click the link to join my channel.


APRIL CAMP NANO 2024 UPDATE: The Muddy Middle

Greetings from the Muddy Middle.

If you were able to make my stream on Saturday, you’ll know I did manage to hit 10k that day despite an allergy headache and losing close to 2000 words.

If you didn’t catch it, It’s still on YouTube. Drop by and give it a like if you will.

Photo by JACK REDGATE on Pexels.com

This means I’m almost caught up to my NaNoWriMo goal of 50k. I will be happy when I reach 30k but I plan to push through as long as I can.

How are you doing on your goal? Is that halfway point as hard for you as it is for me? Are you looking forward to the downhill slide?

Let me know.



Join us for a 10k day on Saturday, April 13th, as we tackle the Muddy Middle of our Camp Nano projects.

Bring your own project to work on or just come to cheer us on. We’re starting at 8AM Central/9 AM EST

Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com\

We’ll alternate sprinting and chatting and keep each other encouraged to hit 10k words in one sitting. You’d be surprised how difficult that is, but it’s easier with support. Whether you have your own writing project or need to do chores, catch up on reading or homework; whatever you do we’d love to have you. Come and be part of the fun.

Are you ready?


Hello all!

Happy New Year, Happy Spring, and Happy Camp Nano!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I haven’t felt much like writing but maybe that’s because this year has gone well so far. I’m pleased to say I’m making progress. If that turns into not updating here as often, you’ll know it’s a good sign.

TDG, or NOVEL 3, is currently in draft 4 and with the Developmental Editor. I plan to work on it more for JULY CAMP NANO after I get those editing notes back. For now, I’m starting a new project at a new time of year.

APRIL CAMP NANO is a new project, but an old idea. If you remember the notebook challenge I did in November of 2023, you know I mined my old notebooks for ideas. Well, one of them caught and I’m embarking on a ZERO DRAFT this month. Wish me luck.

Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels.com

In case you aren’t on my email list, check out linseyewing.com and enter your email address. Don’t worry this won’t subscribe you twice. It will give you access to some writing freebies and news about upcoming events if you so choose.

Thanks for being here, as always, and happy writing!



Nanowrimo Update: I didn’t win, but I got my story more or less mapped out, and that’s a kind of win. Time to put away the manuscript and work on other things. My focus in December is rest and special time with friends and family, so don’t be worried if you don’t hear from me until the new year. It’s how I take care of myself.

Let’s talk about December.

I struggle this time of year and if you do too you might like this JINGLE HELL

If you’re Advent-oriented, read my series on PEACE, JOY, LOVE, and HOPE

If you’re a writer, I wrote special editions for you. Here’s your Peace, Joy, Love, and Hope.

If you’re into fiction, I will have a four-part story for you in January. In the meantime, you can read

BURCH 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and JUSTINE 1 ,2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for a refresher.

The prompts for the January story are in JUSTINE: THAT’S A WRAP

I hope you have a very merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a splendid new year.

Best wishes for 2024!

Photo by Any Lane on Pexels.com


This was a rough week for a number of reasons. The holiday, extra dogsitting, and two extra (paid) writing projects. Obviously, something had to give, and this week that was Nano, unfortunately. I’m still in a place where I could win, so keep going, wherever you are. Remember you had 0 words at the beginning and now look what you have!

DAY 19: no words

DAY 20: no words

DAY 21: 4,367, which just goes to show that when I sit down and do a thing, I can do a lot. Hit 30K!

DAY 22: 162

DAY 23: no words. It was Thanksgiving and I had been working really hard on my other writing projects, so I gave myself the day off.

DAY 24: 2,224 Woohoo!

DAY 25: no words

Don’t forget the CREATIVE COLLECTIVE, open to all THURSDAY THE 30th. Message me for the ZOOM link.


Slow week this week and it’s only going to get busier.

DAY 12: 327

DAY 13: 31

DAY 14: 2,361 during the stream

DAY 15: 65.

DAY 16: 1,336, better, but still not where I want to be

DAY 17: during the stream, 2,667

DAY 18: 784 and forgot to update, so lost my streak.

Even though this hasn’t gone as I planned, I’m still proud of myself for doing it and for keeping up with my progress. I’ve learned a lot, as usual.

What’s your current word count? Are you going strong or stuck in the muddy middle?


It’s been hard to talk about the process and my story because they are both kind of off the rails. Usually, when I hit a snag I free-write or type whatever comes to mind, and while I’ve done some of that, I’ve been trying to stay on topic for most of this project. It’s been harder and the words haven’t been flowing as freely.

DAY 6: a slow day for writing, but I still managed 1,121

DAY 7: 1,981 words during the live stream…almost made it to 2k

DAY 8: Buffer Day but still crossed 2k at 2,002

DAY 9: I hit the dreaded “muddy middle” but still managed 797

DAY 10: I rocked it with 2,074. The stream helped

DAY 11: My intention was to hit 20k and I just missed it.

I’m getting my stickers caught up and trying to rally for the end of the month. How do you get through the muddy middle?

Join the Creative Collective this month for two special Nanowrimo-themed check-ins. All are welcome. Message me for the ZOOM link.

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